School Assembly
- 学校生活
- 学校行事
Today was the last school assembly for the third-year students, who will be celebrating their graduation tomorrow. As with every graduation season, there were a mixture of emotions. For the third-year students, it’s a time of happiness, excitement and also sadness as they say goodbye to their classmates of 3 years (for some, 6 years!). For the year levels below, it’s a time to show gratitude to their senior schoolmates, and a time to contemplate their expectations for the coming academic year.

Students were awarded certificates and trophies for their efforts in club activities. Students who had flawless attendance records were also commended and celebrated. As a final farewell, 1st and 2nd-year students applauded the their senior schoolmates as they left the gymnasium for the final time. We are looking forward to celebrating their graduation with them tomorrow.

The second-year students remained in the gymnasium for a short gathering before their school trip. We hope that all students (and accompanying teachers) have a great, memorable, and safe trip to their respective destinations. Don’t forget your passports!

“Live life by a compass, not a clock.”
– Erica Jong